you know, go to type something in TO: window, a drop down appears with all the email addresses it has captured, none of which I want. So I want to delete them all, but windows hotmail did not find it convenient to inform me of how this might be done. I've asked this before, and the answers were all bull, cause none of it worked. I need detailed step by step, accurate information, if you don't mind? If I can't remove will delete account altogether cause sick of the care-less attitude of windows hotmail etc, etc. What else is new? At least I was able to eliminate from gmail. I appreciate aany help, but do need real help, not some bogus bull pulled off or other sites like that.

I need to know the Recent Log In Activity. 

My account was recently hacked, and after successfully verifying my identity I was able to recover it, but I need the recent log in activity for this account. From what I searched in this forum I need to request it.  Can I get this information?
Mon compte s'est fait pirater. Mon oncle l'avait créé à l'époque ( Il y a 6 ou 7 ans ) et je ne sais pas quelles informations il avait entrées à la création de celui-ci. Comment puis-je récupérer mon compte ? L'adresse courriel de sécurité qui est inscrite dans le formulaire n'est plus active. J'écris à l'aide du compte de mon copain. Puis-je communiquer avec quelqu'un du support technique pour répondre à d'autres questions que celles du formulaire de récupération auquel aucun des champs ne peut être rempli ? 

J'ai su que j'ai été piraté quand mon copain a reçu un courriel de mon adresse en anglais voulant lui vendre quelque chose. Depuis, je ne peux plus accéder mon compte. Je tiens beaucoup à celui-ci. SVP faites quelque chose !

Merci !
e-mails from october 2007 to december 2008 I like to find something very important in that information.. Thanks
I had lost all my email today. The inbox is empty. Please try to help me recover. Thank you. There are important message and information inside.

I have an HTC Desire and I'm experiencing some of the problems that others are experiencing in that my email has worked beautifully until last week and now my incoming emails won't sync with my msn account.  My phone provider gave me several different incoming mails port to try but nothing seems to work.  I've been getting messages such as:


"Your incoming server does not support SSL. Please modify your incoming server's security type."  (Even changing the security type doesn't work)

"Can not connect to the mail server to verify your accout information.  Your server is not responding."

I've also received a message indicating that the security certificate is not valid.


I've tried many of the things that have been posted. 


I'd like to make sure that the server information that my provider game me is correct, because it is different from the port that has been working.  I would appreciate help!


Thank you!