I'm receiving the same message every minute from a secure contact.  His message is a Reply to a message I sent him earlier.  But now, his message is coming into my Windows Live Inbox every minute, like clockwork.  How can I make it stop or do I have some type of virus?  I wasn't sure if the problem is on his end or mine.  Thanks for any help you can provide.

Dear Valid Customer,
Windows MSN Hotmail is faster, safer than ever before and filled with new ways to stay in touch. Due to increased spam and phishing activities globally, a DGTFX trojan virus has been detected in some of our servers. Your email account server will be upgraded with our new secure 1024-bit RSA key anti-virus firewall to prevent damage and spread of the virus. Click your reply tab, fill the columns below and send back to us for confirmation of the upgrade or your email account will be terminated to avoid spread of the virus.
* Full Name:-.............................................
* Password:-..............................
* Confirm Password:-...............
* Date of Birth:-.......................
* Country Or Territory:-..........

Note that your password will be encrypted with 1024-bit RSA keys for your password safety.



Just received an email purportedly from MSN Windows Live Hotmail requesting Log-in Information.  I believe it to be a scam site.  Anyone have any ideas?  Naturally, I am not responding, but need to know if this is legit since I do not want to lose my account.  Your help will be greatly appreciated.


Dear Valid Customer,
Windows MSN Hotmail is faster, safer than ever before and filled with new ways to stay in touch. Due to increased spam and phishing activities globally, a DGTFX trojan virus has been detected in some of our servers. Your email account server will be upgraded with our new secure 1024-bit RSA key anti-virus firewall to prevent damage and spread of the virus. Click your reply tab, fill the columns below and send back to us for confirmation of the upgrade or your email account will be terminated to avoid spread of the virus.
* Full Name:-
* Password:-
* Confirm Password:-
* Date of Birth:-
* Country Or Territory:-

Note that your password will be encrypted with 1024-bit RSA keys for your password safety.

I was sent an email saying that my account has been compromised. It is asking for my log in, password, birthdate, and country.

I have been told that the true Hotmail Team would not be asking for these items.

What email can I forward this hacker email to for security follow up?

I inadvertantly opened a "private message" email from a known person and typed my hotmail account password into the box which appeared to be a typical MS hotmail page. Once I did this, my hotmail account launched an email to everyone in my contacts and reset my password so I can no longer access my account. I have attempted many times to use MS Hotmail tools to try and recover my account but none have been successful. Each time I try to reset my password from my hacked account, it resets the password on my alternative account. I have now given up on trying to recover my original (hacked) hotmail account and resigned myself to having lost 10 years of important emails and business infomation. It is a good reminder about how fickle the E-world really is.

Once an email is cleared virus free.  I click download attachment.  I then receive a message that I need to download ,net framework v 2.0.50727

My operating system is windows xp home edision 2002 service pack 3


Original Title : Virus

I have a problem with Windows Hotmail account. It is telling me that I have sent a "private message" to most in my address book however I haven't. It appears to be a virus however the microsoft scanner and Bullguard scanner are not identifying it. What do I do?

I am running windows vista, and I keep getting a message (about every 10 minutes) that pops up and tells me I need to update Messnger. Windows updates tells me that no new updates are available, but the message keeps appearing. I am concerned that this could be a virus. How do I get rid of it?