

I set up my email to use IMAP for Outlook.com on Outlook 2011 for Mac. All has been working fine but since yesterday I keep getting the following error whilst trying to check my email




The server for account xxxxxxx returned the error

Error 8: Server Error. Please try again later. Your

username/password or security settings may be

incorrect. Would you like to try re-entering your



The strange thing is it will connect to my deleted items or one of the folders I have set up in Outlook.com occasionally and sync them fine, but the majority of the folders won't sync and I get the above error. The fact it connects at all I assume means my username & password are correct.


I can't find any reference to this error code elsewhere so I've no idea how to correct this. I am not sure whether its my settings which are wrong (however, it has been working previously and nothing has changed) or its an Outlook.com error.


Can anyone help please?






Until yesterday all folders were sync´d fine. But today when the sync starts, everything it´s fine until the end of the process (91% aprox) when an error appears saying: can not connect to server imap-outlook.com. The issue seems to be only with Sent folder, as all other folders are sync´d ok.

Is there any issue with IMAP server? Thanks


I reported this issue a number of weeks ago


I also came across a number of threads complaining about the same issue.



It was said that microsoft was aware of the issue and we're fixing it but the problem still exists.

When using a outlook.com email with IMAP the emails sync find.

With live.co.uk I have the problem of the emails not syncing properly as well as every time i send a email it appears in my inbox as I message sent to me from me.

Any ideas on a fix?

This issue is very annoying and has been occurring for at least a month

Kind Regards Dan
I keep getting this error message

Unable to open “Hotmail”
The connection to the server “imap.glbdns2.microsoft.com” on port 993 timed out.

I know all the settings and passwords are entered correctly because the "connection doctor" feature shows that both IMAP and SMTP connections are successful.

I can also see the mails in all my folders on my hotmail account EXCEPT inbox. So sent folder, junk mail, trash, misc. folders all show the correct emails, just the inbox is blank


Small Business with Office365, all using MacBook Pro

Outlook 2011 works just fine with O365 account

Cannot add second email account using IMAP to Outlook

IMAP account settings are correct and run in Mac Mail, iPad, iPhone, Android Nexus, Windows Outlook 2013, Windows Outlook 2010 and Postbox

IMAP also runs just fine in Outlook 2011 on a different MacBook Pro

IMAP account is from GoDaddy and they can't figure this out

Can anyone explain to me how to add this IMAP account to Outlook 2011 when Office 365 is present? 

If my client moves their account off of Office 365 to GoDaddy or Google, this would be a non-issue, but there are other factors prevent us from doing that.  I've spent an extraordinary amount of time on this, which is why I now have this email account installed every which way (on every piece of equipment) except where it is needed.

I use outlook.com through IMAP and everytime I launch MS office 2007 I get an certificate prompt and have to click 'yes' to bypass it. I have installed the certificate to my PC but this doesn't resolve the issue.



my settings are as followed:


email address: *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

imap server: imap-mail.outlook.com SSL on port 993

smtp server: smtp-mail.outlook.com Auto on port 25

Outgoing server requires authentication


I am using outlook 2007 client.


I have reduced my IE trust settings to LOW, this didn't fix the issue.

I have added the certificates, this didn't fix the issue.

I prevented the PC from requiring SSL authentication all together, this didn't fix the issue.

I tried setting up the above account without any SSL, the mail account wouldn't connect to the server!


Please advise this doesn't happen with my google IMAP email addresses!


I am trying to change from POP to IMAP, but do not know if I can do this or not.  If I can receive IMAP how do I do it.


