My account was hacked.  I changed my password and now I cannot send or receive emails.  I tried to fix it however,  hotmail site is in arabic.  How do I fix this so that I can reset my email? 
I have tried several things to change my email from Arabic to English.  It keeps going back to Arabic, it will not save it to English.  Every link that microsoft has sent to me has failed. I have called the help center 3 different times and they seem to not know what they are talking about.  Is there anyone out there that really knows what is going on and how to deal with this????

I was unable to get into hotmail a couple days after recieving a suspicious email, after resetting my password and regaining access, all text on my hotmail is in Arabic, how can I fix this? I need to change it back to English, but I can't read it to find anything. Help please !! If you have an answer please email to my alternate email, (removed by the moderator)
Would like to understand if the outlook support arabic or not, the problem that the writing direction is not working right.
it shall be from right to left , are there any work around ?
it can show Arabic Emails but can not write arabic in a good way.