I will be away and I want to let people know that I will not be able to respond to their emails.
After upgrading to Mountain Lion I'm having significant response time issues in Outlook 2011.

I asked the previous question several days ago and still no answer from Microsoft.  I need my email back!!!

It appears that many people are losing significant numbers of important emails from active accounts but I have been unable to detect any sign of a helpful response from Microsoft. If anybody found a helpful Microsoft response would you please direct me to it. Note I am not looking for advice on how to recover emails that I have deleted.
Hello - I have exactly the same problem. I'm a university tutor and not being able to access my contacts and group emails is extremely frustrating. I too have reported it three times!! Only one response, full of techno-gabble that was of no use to me what so ever.

Under the new Hotmail system (apparently changed yesterday), I cannot add a contact to an existing group or otherwise manage groups.


The button for manage groups seems to allow only adding a new group or deleting an existing group.  I cannot find a way to edit an existing contact by adding or deleting contacts.


I know this question was supposedly answered, but the response was not helpful as it did not provide any useful info.


Many thanks to any of you smart folks out there who can figure this out.

Need to delete a calendar subfolder but can not find out how to do this.  If I right click, there is no response.

What distinguishes a normal response to an email from a bounced email, and is there anyway to tell who bounced it by tracing?

 Account: 'pop.charter.net', Server: 'POP.charter.net', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR [IN-USE] account is locked by another session or for maintenance, try again.', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92


This is the error msg I get after I type in user name and password - over and over and over and over.  Phone call to tech support is one BIG JOKE.