I lost my entire list of contacts.  Got error message as follows: "object moved".  How do I retrieve it? I was able to send email from my mobile device.
Two weeks ago I was unable and still unable to sent/receive from one of my friends on my e-mail address list.  I can send/receive from all my other contacts.  Please tell me what to do to receive mail again from this contact.
After removing hotmail from my android phone all my contacts disappeared from my hotmail contact list. How can I retrieve them?

In my contacts list I would like to select certain people to send the same email too?

How do I set up a group contact where all their email addresses are together and I can just select the group name it it goes to all of them?

I also want their individual name still to show in my contact list?

The screen opens to messenger, which is empty (blank), I need my hotmail contact list.
I have 2 mailboxes.  How can I move the bottom listed one to the top of the list?
how do I find my blocked list so I can retrieve an address

I had to form new email groups when I was switched becaue I couldn't find my old groups in the contacts.  When I send email using the new groups, people that were in the old groups are receiving the email, yet their names are not showing in the new group list.  Where are the old groups?  I've tried deleting some contacts completely, but they're still receiving my emails. Others, I've put in new groups, yet they're still receiving the emails of their old groups.  How can I pull up my old contact list and edit the email groups?

I merged my skype and MSN Accounts.

I have lost all but 15 MSN contacts out of about 100.

I have contacted Skype and they have unmerged the two accounts.
How can I get my MSN contact list back?    
My email hotmail contacts list most often doesn't come up when I click on 'Contacts'.  But I can still import email addresses from the list into the 'To' box.  By the way, I hate the new contacts list format:  It's much too big, so scrolling down takes longer, and there's nowhere to click straight back into Inbox - I have to do two clicks, one on the arrow and the other on Mail.  And there's no alphabet to allow the user to click immediately on the letter for the person.  It's extremely unfriendly.  And why can I no longer click back from one screen to another with an arrow?
Nov 27, 2012