I am new to Macbook. My problem is that I have attempted to open my hotmail account, without success. the page format appears all wrong and if I click on Inbox, Deleted, etc, etc nothing happens. I was advised to change security settings to Always Use HTTPS When I Sign into Hotmail, but this has made no difference.
Any suggestions?

Recently, all my e-mails that I send to others, reappears back in my inbox as a sent e-mail. That's never has happened before! What's happenning?


Ray M

I have to click in and out and back in to the email listing several times to get a message to open Any help?

I'm trying to send an email to 50 contacts in a group but I get this message come up.

'Your message wasn't sent because there's a daily message limit. But don't worry, we saved it in your Drafts folder. To increase the limit, verify your account.'

When i click Verify, I'm taken to a page requesting a mobile number. when i put my number in and click next i get 'Sorry, we can't do this at the moment. Please try again later.'

I've had this message for nearly a week now?

When I am in MSN and click "Hotmail"...all my messages/inbox appear!!no password needed!! I want to sign in with a password each and every time WTF!

Have a problem where I think my account may have hacked. I seem to be sending messages to all in my address book and many are not being delivered. I have now changed my password. The real problem is the auto vacation setting is set to send a message out (not written by me) and I can't turn it off. I delete the message, click the radio button to not send a message but when I go back to my inbox the warning is still there that this feature is on.

I have tried many times to no avail. I use McAffe anti-virus and did a scan yesterday which only showed 37 cookies.

Can some one suggest anything?

I have Office 2011 for Mac and can't find a box to check to make the "contact list" automatically pop-up when I want to forward an email that was sent to me.I only can type a letter or two into the" to,cc,or bcc" line then it lets me ONLY choose from the list available with those letters in it. I'd like to be able to see the entire "contact list" at one time and choose from that.
 Pc uses have a box to click on just to the left of each line to, cc, and bcc that provides the entire contact list. 
Where is the option that allows me to see the entire contact list  when choosing "forward"????