1) Problem: I confess to having blithely moved my "Microsoft User Data" files out of Documents to a place more friendly to the average uninformed user (the Applications folder as, at the time, it seemed like "program stuff", not "my stuff".  I lament my hastiness, repent, and plead your help).
  • Looks like my Outlook data files are intact but the rebuilds, the common ways, are not working (Including the move of the database file to the desktop before trying the rebuild, per Diane of Oregon).  Either way I do it, rebuild runs very fast (a few seconds, on a '08 MacBook Pro), and then tells me that rebuild was successful.  But when I reopen Outlook, it's still the generic "fresh start" identity, not Main or mine.
  • I am a simple non-Exchange/non-IMAP, POP3 email, "isolated user".  I'm running "Office:Mac 2011 Academic".
3)  Question: Before I try this riskier way: http://www.officeformachelp.com/outlook/troubleshoot/#duplicate, which is a little unclear as it is, and given my basically simple-cause scenario, what else could I try first?

True appreciation,  Alex in Vermont
Original Title: "Outlook for mac 2011 question"

accidentally deleted my email account.  Trying to find settings in Microsoft User Data Folder, but don't know which folder to find them in?Office

Help Please,

Over the years I have had to create too many usernames all because of Microsoft updates where my passwords would be deleted and at sametime I may have changed my second contact email address.

In any case, I would like to know if there is a way to see, recover or delete from Hotmail/Microsoft data base, the old usernames.

Even now that I have been able to reset my password AGAIN on the latest username I was unable to log into this site with my user name and password.

So now I have onemore user name to remember.

There must be a way to view all accounts/User Names that have been created under a "First Name - Second Name - Country - Mobile Phone - Year of Birth - Post Code" these would be the same for every registration.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

why it is necessary for me to sign on each time I want to read my email.  I have to enter user name and password, why??????

Unable to sync new emails using Outlook 2010 from hotmail account anymore. It says that hotmail user has maxed out their sync relationship is there a way that sync quota can be increased or subscribed to let it work again?


15:47:24 There is an error synchronizing your mail account, please contact Microsoft support to resolve this issue.

15:47:24 Error: 3206. Server. User has maxed out their sync relationship quota.


Unable to sync new emails using Outlook 2010 from hotmail account anymore. It says that hotmail user has maxed out their sync relationship is there a way that sync quota can be increased or subscribed to let it work again?


15:47:24 There is an error synchronizing your mail account, please contact Microsoft support to resolve this issue.

15:47:24 Error: 3206. Server. User has maxed out their sync relationship quota.


We have a user who wants to use office 2008 and outlook 2011? Can we create 2 different id's for each?
We have a user who likes Office 2008 but wants to use Office 2011. Do we create teo id for office 2008 and one for2011? Can either read the other?
I am a NEW Windows 8 User.  I previously used Vista with Windows Mail.  I am not a Business.  For years I have had Email Groups to Friends & Family.  Today, I sent my first email to one of my Groups, and Hot Mail would not send it.  Why do I even need Hot Mail?  I know that a Microsoft Employee spent nearly 3 hours to set up my new mail account.  My Primary email address is (removed by the moderator)  Some how my wife's name, Jo, has become the primary sender.  That is incorrect.  We have other email addresses that are all linked to this account.  They are (removed by the moderator); and (removed by the moderator).  I cannot function with limits on my email groups beyond what I have had during the past 6-8 years.  Please call me at (removed by the moderator)or (removed by the moderator)so this problem can be solved...JERRY CUDNEY (removed by the moderator)