Some emails aren't arriving through Windows Live Mail on my Windows 7 system on my PC.  Know this because am getting them on my IPad.  Server is BT .
 Activity monitor says Outlook using 98% of system memory.  Any suggestions on what to do?
I have Mac OS 10.5.8 but when I stupidly opted for the new hotmail config. I can no longer open my mail. Hotmail opens in a very primitive blue font set-up and the mail is sitting there but when I click on it it won't open. It worked fine under the old system. Any ideas what i can do to access my mail? Thanks.

The Office 2011 folder icon is now the default folder icon on my Mac OS X 10.7 system.  How do I restore it to the custom Office folder icon?

Thank you!

"parse error; request too long" coming up constantly! It bogs down my entire system. It all started with the last update. Is anyone else experiencing this and is there is a fix? I have the standard Office 2011 running on Mac OS X 10.6.8 with aol accounts. Please help! I have found a few in other forums asking the same question, but there are no answers. Thanks so much.

I have Windows Live email on  my computer.....I want to move to a web based system so have started using my hotmail account....previously if I was on a webpage which had a an email icon on it and I wanted to email I just clicked and Windows Live opened up and off I went.



How do I do that with Hotmail??




Thanks,  Keith

Suddenly and without warning the' REPLY and FORWARD' buttons have disappeared from the hot mail e mail service. Can you  please tell me how these are retrievable as without them the system is almost unusable.

Malcolm Walker

My Hotmail was working fine this morning.  This evening is is just a list of emails.  I want to use Hotmail Live.  How can I get back there.  My system is old and am unable to upgrade to use Firefox or anything else.....
I tried to download messenger and was told info was not available Microsoft acct. is the best in the system wld like to get messenger