I cannot send email. I have tried fixes suggested by Microsoft telephone support including change to port 587 from 25, and change to 'charterinternet' for outgoing server. error message is 0x800CCCoE. I see that another person with same error code changed to 587 and that worked for him, but it doesn't work for me. I have been at this for 3 hours on line and on the phone.

Hello everyone! I'm experiencing some outlook problems and I need some help.

I've started last week to use outlook for my yahoomail account:

Incoming server: imap.mail.yahoo.com port 993

Outgoing server: smtp.mail.yahoo.com port 465 

But I cannot receive any email and I cannot send any emails. It says: Outlook cannot connect to the server. Verify that your computer is connected to the network. 

I am connected to the network so I don't understand where the issue could be!! 

Please somebody help me. I've googled but I didn't find something that could help me solving this issue. 

Thank you in advance,


Please help me with this error request:

The message could not be sent because the server rejected the sender's email address. The sender's email address was '*** Email address is removed for privacy ***'.

Subject 'Re: PCNPA Sustainable Development Fund'
Server Error: 530
Server Response: 530 authentication required - Your email could not be sent. To fix this you must make a simple change to your email client (known as SMTP authentication). For advice visit http://www.bt.com/smtp
Server: 'mail.btinternet.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC78
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No
I can no longer access my yahoo mail pop accounts. 

Incoming server: pop.mail.yahoo.com     port 995
ssl encryption enabled
Outgoing server: smtp.mail.yahoo.com   port 465
ssl encryption enabled 

password and username all correct. 

Please help! from yahoo's end, I'm signed up for the premium service, so I know it isn't an issue. 
14. November 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,
I'm trying to set up an e-mail account in Outlook.com and it will not give me the option to type in the correct port (port 26) for the outgoing server.  It only gives you three options for outgoing ports.  Is there any way to get around this?
12. November 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

The server could not be found. Account: 'Hotmail', Server: 'http://services.msn.com/svcs/hotmail/httpmail.asp', Protocol: HTTPMail, Server Response: '', Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 12007, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D


I followed the instructions at outlook.com, left the incoming and outgoing server information with what the program had put in by default, so what now?


As of today I am no longer able to send email using Mac Mail. All of the messages remain in my outbox. I did not change any server settings, and it has been working flawlessly for months up to today. Does anyone know if something has changed with the outgoing server or if it is having problems today? As server I have listed smtp.live.com, authenticating with username and password, and using SSL. The mails simply sit in the outbox and no error message is displayed. Does anyone have any idea how to rectify this situation? The lack of an error message doesn't help troubleshoot the problem.

After confirming that username and password are correct and trying every configuration of port and toggling "Requires a secure connection", I am not able to use my outgoing server.  Incoming POP server works fine.
I reinstalled Office for Mac 2011 after upgrading to Mavericks. After configuration of incoming and outgoing email server I'm not able anymore to send emails. I made exactly the same configuration in my MacBookPro's "MAIL", where I can send emails without any problems. For authentication of outgoing server I confirmed "same information as incoming server". Any idea what could happen?
Many thanks in advance, 


I added a Gmail account in WLM using 'POP3', then let incoming server require 'SSL'. However, outgoing doesn't need SSL. But when I receive a new mail, I see it saved in Junk of the account added in WLM. On the other hand, when I made outgoing sever require SSL, any new mail became saved in inbox. 
I am quite sure that an incoming  server of mail client is responsible for receiving mails from remote mail server. Thus, I think that any new mails should be saved in inbox even outgoing is set up to not require SSL.