I had an MSN e-mail account that was hacked several months ago; Microsoft blocked it entirely, so I could not open it to read or send messages.  I then

opened a new account, using the Outlook e-mail.  The new account is working normally; however, when I want to forward photos or pictures from

Facebook, MSN  news or other sources, I get an error message referring to the old hacked account.  I tried uninstalling Windows live mail 2012 and

then reinstalling it, but the problem persists, when using my Dell desktop.  However, if I try to forward pictures using a very old  Lanovo laptop,

the screen shows the old e-mail and the new one, and I can click on the new one and the transmission goes through.  How can I eradicate the

hacked e-mail account from my desktop computer?

I have OE 6.

Recently I decided to try out Windows live mail. However there were aspects of it that I didnt like. This included that the fact that when I tried to open eml files in OE they failed to open.

I decided to uninstall Windows Live Mail.

However, when I reopened OE and tried to open an eml file, the system couldnt identify what file type it was and wouldnt open it. 

In the end I had to do a system restore to the point at which WLM was installed.

Is this normal?  And if installing/uninstalling WLM causes these issues, I have to wonder how someone with less PC knowledge than myself  would deal with this situation. 

If I install or uninstall a program, I dont expect it to interfere or disrupt the operation of another application.

Like many others here I am suddenly unable to send or receive from my default msn.com account in Windows Live Mail running under Windows 7, receiving the above message when I attempt to do so.  I have tried:

1. Removing and adding back the acount
2. Uninstalling Windows Live Mail, deleting all associated registry entries, reinstalling Windows Live Mail
3. Opening a new Outlook account, logging in with that, logging out, trying original account again
4. Following the "Resolve Machine Reconfiguration Issues" steps ( REGSVR32 initpki.dll is missing on my computer)
5. Turning off firewall

None of these make any difference.  The account is still accessible on the Outlook website, and my other msn.com address still works in Windows Live Mail.  Any help fixing this would be greatly appreciated.