Hi, I recently reset our laptop to factory settings. Prior to the reset I used Windows Live mail and used the option to export messages and contacts, which I did to an external drive. The emails have all been saved as .eml within a known folder which I have access to.

After reinstalling Windows Live Mail, I had no problem importing our contacts, but for some reason I am having difficulty importing the emails?

Steps I have followed:

Top left dropdown, click Import Messages.

Choose option 'Windows Live Mail'


Browse for the folder on my external drive

Choose known folder and press OK


The following window opens:

No messages can be found in this folder or another application is running that has required the files open.

Please select another folder or close applications that may have files open.

I can't think what other application could be using the files...if there is one. The files are definitely in the destination folder I have directed it to.

Is there a fix for this, am I missing something?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,


Like many others here I am suddenly unable to send or receive from my default msn.com account in Windows Live Mail running under Windows 7, receiving the above message when I attempt to do so.  I have tried:

1. Removing and adding back the acount
2. Uninstalling Windows Live Mail, deleting all associated registry entries, reinstalling Windows Live Mail
3. Opening a new Outlook account, logging in with that, logging out, trying original account again
4. Following the "Resolve Machine Reconfiguration Issues" steps ( REGSVR32 initpki.dll is missing on my computer)
5. Turning off firewall

None of these make any difference.  The account is still accessible on the Outlook website, and my other msn.com address still works in Windows Live Mail.  Any help fixing this would be greatly appreciated.