"live.com not responding" - only on home computer, yes I updated Internet Explorer - daily occurrence. Going on weeks now. come up with a solution rather than the one answer on every thread
"live.com not responding" - only on home computer, yes I updated Internet Explorer - daily occurrence. Going on weeks now. come up with a solution rather than the one answer on every thread

How do I preserve the original email in my in box without all the subsequent replies?  For instance, I may receive & forward an email to a 3rd party to obtain info and then want to reply to the original email without the interim forward & response included in the thread.



I need to send emails regularly to the same bunch of people. Can I set up a group, like you can do in Outlook?

I was advised to start a new thread for this issue, so here it is (I hope)!

i can search in spotlight but not outlook.  i just want to search outlook.

[This post was added to a similar thread. There is no way to know what user has tried. I'm splitting this user so his problem can be addressed.]