So discovered a strange bug with Outlook 2011 for Mac. If you have an existing meeting series, you open an occurrence of that series, you then add a new attendee to that occurrence and send the update it adds that new attendee to the entire meeting series. What is even stranger is if you open an occurrence and remove someone it only removes them from that occurrence, not the series. I was able to replicate this issue on all Macs I tested it on. 

So my question is, is Microsoft aware of this issue? Is there a planned fix for this issue? and Is there a known work around for this issue?

Some Additional Notes:

I also tried the same thing on Outlook 2010 & Outlook 2013 for Windows. It only updated the occurrence when adding and removing attendees. 

We are on Office 365 Exchange.

We are running OS X 10.8

We are on Outlook 2011 update 14.3.6
" not responding" - only on home computer, yes I updated Internet Explorer - daily occurrence. Going on weeks now. come up with a solution rather than the one answer on every thread
" not responding" - only on home computer, yes I updated Internet Explorer - daily occurrence. Going on weeks now. come up with a solution rather than the one answer on every thread
One of my users is getting the following error every three minutes or so in Outlook for Mac 2011, "modified occurrence is crossing or overlapping adjacent occurrence"