Is conversation tabbing available in Skype?
What happened to my conversation history?
mon probleme est que quand j'appuis sur un contact pour commencer une conversation j'arrive dans la conversation mais je ne peut pas ecrire car des lelettres inconpréencible sont ecrite et meme si je les enleve est commence a ecrire mon message tout s'en va et les lettres reviennes . que faire ??
I can save live messenger history on my PC but for some reason it's not giving me the option on my Live messenger on the laptop.Do I maybe need to update? Could it be because I am currently using the 'guest' account on the laptop? Any ideas and solutions appreciated
Messenger keeps freezing on me when a certain ad comes up in the window. It's an MSN ad, so it's even more annoying that most situations.  Any suggestions before I just attempt to use another IM program from the frustration this is causing? I loose all my conversation every time I have to force quit the program due to this.
I can log into messenger ok, but when I access a friend to start a conversation I get a string of code deleting and then replacing my text. The coding does not go away, and just keeps changing all my normal typing. This problem started last night and every time I delete the coding it just automatically re-appears on the screen.
je me demande pourquoi depuis que j ai le nouveau messenger ma conversation vidéo ne fonctionne pas?? comment faire?
when in a video conversation i would like to invite another contact, under tools or actions there is 'invite another contact into this conversation' fielad, the problem is it is greyed out, how do i turn it on?
how do I find messenger conversation history on latest hotmail, I have a macbook.
pourquoi lorsque je me connecte je ne peux pas avoir de conversation verbal