My credit card information changed so I need use the new information for my subscriptions. But, you've told me to go to the Community Forum. That is the only choice and not really appropriate for handling payment information. I need to communicate the correct information to billing not an open forum. What should I do?


This Outlook email account is not receiving mail because Microsoft has not fixed it yet, so you cannot notify me on this email address. Please use the alternate email attached to this address or text to the phone. Thank you.

Five days ... i cannot get connected on my account for five days ....

I have tried phone support ... the answering machine sent me to email support .... email support sent me to the community forum ... and the community forum close my thread with no answer (in fact a stupid one) ans sent me back to email support ....

I still don't know if my account on still exist ... is deleted or is blocked .... it seems nobody is able to answer this simple (too simple perhaps ??) question.

So i have found the solution ...... bye bye outlook and hotmail. 
While I appreciate someone responding to my question and providing a thread to assisst me,  I had already stated that I have tried all the methods to "fix" my problem from reading the posts in the community forum.  Therefore, while you answered me, all you did was redirect me to a link I had already extensively read through.  What I would like is a solution.  There should be no reason why I cannot access my alumni email account and must be some way for microsoft to override the system. 
I sent a question to community forum  yesterday about my frustration of not being able to open my mails.The answer came but I  still  can't read it because the message won't open. What do I do ? Please answer me via my gmail account which I was forced to open because of my not being able to open my  mails on Hotmail  e mail address. My gmail address  is (Removed PII for security).