Starting today I can't login to my hotmail from any computer at home but it works at my workplace.

If I clear my browser cache I can open and enter my username and password but then I get redirected to a page that won't open.

If I ping this address, it replies though.

When I login at work I don't have any problem.

I'm not sure what's wrong.

When logging in I'm redirected and it says this webpage is not available.

I have tried clearing my browser cache. Clearing my temporary internet files. Using IE9 and Chrome. Nothing works.

Please help.


I have two outlook accounts. One is working fine and the other does not allow me to view my emails, once logged in.

I've cleared my browser cache, used a different browser and tried to log in on my mac. Nothing seems to work. 

I've also reset my password and logged into outlook via my four-digit code; which Microsoft text to me. I'm still getting the same 'sorry, there's a problem with outlook' error.
Since took over my Hotmail account I have not been able to find my "Contacts" list - it used to be on the left hand side of my email page near the bottom - I have clicked on everything I can and I cannot find my "contacts" list anywhere.   I am so frustrated as I NEED the email addresses

Apple support cannot help me - Microsoft for Mac cannot help me -   PLEASE tell me what where you have put my list.  My browser cache is up to date.

Failing that, tell me how I can enter my huge contacts list in my Hotmail account.

Thank you
(Removed email address for security

I am using hotmail with Internet Explorer.

When I reply or try to type in a contact name on email it doesn't fill in the name or email?

My contacts list also is not available? It had been working? I have Clear my browser cache and click Always use HTTPS when I sign in to Hotmail > click Save. ll so check Enable native XMLHTTP support > OK when done.
 Try using another computer, the same problem.