14. November 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags:


When opening the calendar on outlook.com with IE11 I get a page with the following message:

Microsoft services are designed for you, but maybe not for your browser
Some features might not work correctly with the version of the web browser you’re currently using.

To get the most out of Microsoft services, we recommend that you take a few minutes to upgrade to the current version of one of these browsers:

Another issue with IE11 is that the layout of menu bar at the top is broken for mail and people.

The first issue is also described in the following thread: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windowslive/forum/mail-calendar/cannot-display-oulookcom-calendar-using-ie-11/792dfa0a-98d4-45c3-8faa-7560204e5bae?tab=question&status=AllReplies.

In that thread I indicated that I have the same problem as the thread starter and Eugene R (Microsoft Forum Moderator) opened a private message section where I added screenshots of the issues. Latest advice from Eugene was to create a new thread for this, so here I am...

Thanks for looking into this!

Kind regards,


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