17. June 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,
Okay so I make youtube videos which require pictures to go a certain speed for the music for an example the words to a song must match up with the music playing so i need to make my video clip shorter to match the audio but when i am editing to make the video shorter i have to check to see if the time is set up correctly so the phrases meet up with what is on screen but when ever i have a short clip that's lets just say 1 second long when I click on it and watch that one clip it plays the lasts clip audio so i have to watch through the whole video to make sure that the time is set up correctly it is very time consuming and annoying that i have to do that and I have made other videos around a year ago with short clips and they were fine so im not sure what the issue is can anyone help me?
I've never had a problem with videos before untill I got a new camera. I make YouTube videos so I got a new hd camera (1080p) I was editing the clips, and splitting them. When I watch it back, it's all fine. After I save the video then watch it, the parts I have split, either split to late or too early and mucks up the whole video. Please can someone help me, it's very frustrating! 

Hi, I've been researching this and I'm not finding that this is a feature available in Windows Movie Maker, but can you please provide suggestions/ideas on how I can do this?


I usually use Windows Movie Maker to create my YouTube videos (cover songs, etc), and I'm wanting to do one, where I play multiple videos simultaneously, while retaining the sound in each, so that they play and the volume works on the multiple ones at once (doing an a capella type idea for a video, and need them to play simultaneously). Is this possible with a plugin or anything through Movie Maker? Or is there an alternative? Thanks!

I used youtubeinmp4.com to make a youtube video into an mp4, and used clips from it in my own video. I've done the same with two other youtube videos, none of which have had any issues. I've been working on it for the last two days, and it's been working perfectly. I've been really careful about getting the clips in order, the right length, the effects, everything, and I'd nearly finished...

Except just now, Movie Maker has decided that the video that half my clips are taken from is now 'uncompatible'. It's been working just fine until now, and all the clips have been working, so why has it decided to stop working now? The dialogue box is telling me that the file is either corrupted or in a formal that Movie Maker doesn't recognise, except it DOES recognise it, since it's been working for the past two days.

For those unfamiliar with this problem, the clip appears as an error symbol. When I hover over it, it displays the details and tells me to double-click to fix it. When I do, it asks to remove the clip because it is either corrupted or unrecognisable. As far as I know, neither of these is the case.

Why has this happened? What can I do?