
I have two Yahoo email .co.uk accounts. Late last year (Nov?) I was prompted to change password on one account with a message from Yahoo that there had been attempts by an app based in US to access my account. I am in the UK. I believe that this may have coincided with a lot of other people also having problems with Yahoo mail.

I changed the password since when I have been unable to access mail from this account in Windows Live Mail. The other account which I didn't change works fine. (I have more recently changed the password on htis account and it still works).

I can access the problem account through my iPhone without problem, and I can access it via the web.

I have tried everything I can find online from varying the POP settings to deleting the account in Windows Live Mail and then re creating it all to no avail.

Current settings are

Outgoing: smtp.mail.yahoo.co.uk 587 with SSL

Incoming: pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk 995 with SSL

Have tried other port numbers, .com instead of .co.uk and other forms of authentication.

Log on using secure authentication (clear text authentication) all other options also tried

I get repeated requests for the password although it is entered correctly, and eventually the following error mesage:

Unable to send or receive messages for the Yahoo.co (name of account) account. An incorrect password was entered. The next time you send or receive messages, you'll be asked to enter your user name and password for this account.

Server Error: 0x800CCC90
Server Response: -ERR [AUTH] (#MBR1240) Please verify your account by going to https://login.yahoo.com
Server: 'pop.mail.yahoo.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC92
Protocol: POP3
Port: 995
Secure(SSL): Yes

I have POP selected in the Yahoo Mail settings.

I am running Windows 7 using automatic updates and Mozilla Firefox 27.0.1

I have owned a MacBook Pro loaded with MS Outlook 2011 for Mac for almost a year now.  I use Outlook for my personal Yahoo email but, leave the emails on the server since I also an iPhone and internet sometimes to manage my personal emails.  About three months ago, Outlook began downloading all of my old emails from the Yahoo server again.  I thought this might have been a one time deal due to daylight savings time change, etc. but, this has now occurred three times (seems to be at the beginning of a new month).  Any recommendations on how to resolve?  Thanks.

This message is still on my customised domain for Outlook. I can send messages OK using the customised domain email address but when I try to send messages to it, it can't receive any mail and I get a mail delivery error on my private yahoo email address. 

Does it matter that my administrator profile for my domain (which uses my original outlook email address) has the same details to my customised email address on outlook? Maybe it is getting confused? I don't know what to do anymore and I tried to follow the steps you outlined on this link to no avail:

Please help...

I'm not much of a "techie" so please indulge a stupid question. I've had nothing but problems with Yahoo email since they made changes and I'm trying to set up an email account at Outlook but I don't know how to set up the account because of the Pop3 connection. Where do I find this info?


I need a forum admins help. any emails i send from my yahoo will not show up to my hotmail account. both accounts work fine. i have had my hotmail account since 2002/03 ish.
i can pm with the email addresses.

Honestly I'm about ready to give up on trying to use Outlook.com.   I can't believe it can't do a simple thing like connect to a Yahoo Plus Email Account that Outlook Express 15 years ago could and Live Mail can.  I've read through the other helps and it appears to be a common problem that's been going on for almost a year.


1.) The error I am getting is: We couldn't sign in to your POP3 server. Please make sure your username and password are correct.


2.) The email address (username) does have an underscore in it but I have also tried my other account that does not.


3.) The password only has letters and numbers in it and is between 8 and 12 characters.


4.) My yahoo account is a plus account


5.) As I said I can connect to the account just fine with Windows Live Mail and actually at first tried importing the account and messages from Windows Live Mail.


6.) I have tried both the plus.pop.mail.yahoo.com and pop.mail.yahoo.com for the pop server.


7.) For the username I have tried both the name and the *** Email address is removed for privacy ***


8.) Yes I'm sure the password is correct.


Basic Settings in Outlook.com

Name = my name

email = *** Email address is removed for privacy ***



Server address = plus.pop.mail.yahoo.com


Require a secure connection is checked

Leave messages on server is checked

Username= my_name

Password = 8 to 12 letters



Send email using your provider's server (recipient will not see your Outlook address)

Server Address = smtp.mail.yahoo.com

Port = 465

Requires a secure connection (SSL/TLS) is checked

Use the same username and password to send and receive email is checked



I share my yahoo account in Calendar.

it sends an email to accept my calendar co-owner invitation.

i get the following error message:

Sorry, this invitation isn't valid anymore. The sender may have taken away your permission, or you may have already declined this invitation. If you'd like to see this calendar, ask its owner to share it with you again.


drop the yahoo email info.

go thru the same process.  same error message.


can you help?
