17. June 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

I go skiing each year and take around 80 - 95 videos using a drift HD camera. These range from 1minute - 30 minutes.

Rather than importing 30 minute source files into movie maker and then editing the videos keeping only the 30 second - 2 minute clip that I want, what I would like to be able to do would be to take out the sections that I like from each source file  and in effect saving them again as much smaller source files.

Only then would I use movie maker to make my highlights reel. This pre show editing would save a lot of time with so many files to work with.

Does anyone know how this could be achieved ?



30. November 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

After creating a 20 minute movie, and closing movie maker -- upon re-opening the program/project, most of the clips are blank. No video or audio. The source files remain untouched on the disk. The other clips play just fine. The source files play just fine using the built in default metro movie player.

The clips that do not play all have either anti shake or anti shake & wobble applied. The clips with neither of those filters applied seem to play just fine.

OS: 8.1

Movie Maker Ver: 2012 16.4.350.3508.0205

Prepare files for faster editing -- Checked

Prepare files for better stability -- Checked

Clips recorded on Sony HandiCam

   MST file extension


    29 frames/sec

I'm using version 2012 Movie Maker.    The Input video clips were taken on iphone4 and iPad and are .mov files, and come from various folders located on a NAS drive.


When the project file is re-opened, Movie Maker appears to locate only the first clip.    All subsequent clips show the yellow triangle with exclamation point.    I can readily "fix" this.     The next time the project file is opened, the same thing happens again.    And the next time, etc.!


I tried converting the .mov files to .wmv files - however exactly the same thing happens.


In summary, Movie Make knows the correct folder and filename for each clip, but apparently does not find the clips (other than the first).


The problem does NOT occur if the source files are located on a locally attached drive.


What is causing the problem when source files are on the NAS (a Synology box)?