27. April 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,
I imported a movie from a cd that plays well on media player to practice editing it on moviemaker, but the scenes played very choppy. How can I fix this? The sound and audio were both choppy.  thanks

I have rearranged where my music is stored.  I had some special folders created to burn some discs which media player added to the library and now are showing as duplicates.  I moved those folders out of the Music Folder which is the target Folder for Media Player so there is now many files which don't exist and were duplicates anyway.  My Library is Huge and going through the songs 1 by 1 is not an option.

How do I clean up the accuracy of the library with out deleting actual song files that still exist. 

There is a "restore library" option but there is nothing to explain what that feature actually does.  You would thing that there would be a detail instruction for every tab, feature that Media Player has with doing extensive research trying to find someone in this world who who may have worked on creating MP with inside knowledge to help me!

I'm running windows 7 with media player 12. I have an external 1tb drive that is about 70%full of music. Media player tries to load. It gets maybe 75% done and it crashes and becomes non responsive. I don't know what the problem is. I have used this drive on another machine also running win 7 and had no problems. Help !
hi can someone tell me how i can import all my pictures & videos from photo gallery to my media player thanx much grgrinder
I bought a brand new laptop in January 2013 with windows 8 installed already. The windows live movie maker does not work properly. It either has a black screen or the video is frozen when I import them into the media player for editing. I have sound but the video itself isn't working properly at all.  I saw another thread that said to change the windows movie maker to compatibality for windows 7 and supposedly it will work but all that did was make my movie maker stop working all together with an error message. I need to be able to edit videos because I record tutorials that need to be uploaded to youtube as part of my job. Please help.