I have a number of old Windows Messenger contacts which have old phone numbers and address details. Following removal of Messenger functionality from Windows and from Hotmail, I cannot find any way to tidy this up - now have my combined people details showing all the old stuff as well as the new stuff.


Please please please give us a way to edit this. Even if it is just to remove the contact details (and leave the Microsoft account) from this from outlook.com People tab!


Been mentioned previously but the thread was closed even though NO SOLUTION seems to have been made available to anyone.

My e-mail account was hacked and spam messages were sent out. I noticed and changed my password  but soon after my account was blocked and needed validating.

I've filled out the form repeatedly with as much information as I can ( I can't remember my old address details , but most of the other boxes are filled) but I STILL keep getting bounced back with the rejection e-mail.

I've had to create this new account just to be able to ask this question. All the support areas just keep sending me back to the same form asking the same questions. Is there no other way at all that I can unblock my account?
