I've looked through the forum and know that it's pretty common for people to get spam mails from "themselves". However what's different for my case is that I seemed to be spamming myself but I do not get the emails. This means that they don't show up in my inbox at all but they show up in my sent mails. It's very strange that I seemed to be spamming myself every few minutes like a spam bot but they don't appear in my inbox. And what is weirder is that the "spam mails" are actually an actual reply that I have sent to a real and legit ebay seller. I had a question regarding the item I have purchased on ebay so I've been communicating with the ebay seller. The spams seemed to be one of the replies I have sent. And unless my memory failed me, I am pretty sure I have replied directly from ebay instead of from my outlook so I have no idea how outlook have retrieved that reply and using it to spam myself. I am very frustrated as I've been using the email for years now and have a lot of important emails and I don't want anything to mess it up. 

ps. I've tried changing a very strong password but it doesn't change anything.

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