As of this recent failure, my emails are not synching at all.  I have been able to receive emails intermittently on various devices and times, but each of my inboxes and the rest of my folders are not synched any more.  I still get the "cannot get email" on my iPhone, and although my outlook says connected, it is not able to communicate with the server.  This is not just affecting one PC, or one mobile device.  It is affecting 5 PCs and 2 mobile devices.  Please see attached pictures.  I count on all my email being on all my devices all the time.  I've already given up on calendar for storing notes in events, as it simply does not synch since the conversion to from Hotmail. Am I going to have to give up on Outlook as a whole?  It pretty much means I have to give up on Office and Skydrive as well.  I would appreciate some personal assistance, as I need to be back in business as soon as possible.  I have taken clippings of images showing my issue. 


I have selected Not Mobile below, because there was no option to select both mobile and not mobile.


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