Hi guys, I basically just created this account for help on this topic. My Sister lost her Nokia Lumia 920 and can't seem to find it. So we were told that she must go to www.windowsphone.com log in and find her phone which is fine, the thing is she can't remember her password to her account. We think it's *** Email address is removed for privacy *** but not 100% certain. We tried to every password we could think of but nothing! So we tried to reset it but it gave us security question like this "Anniversaire [jj/mm/aa]" which we don't know how to answer because it looks like French. But after a couple attempts it looks like they blocked us saying something like "You've entered the wrong password to many times, please try again later" The thing is we only created that account because she wanted to download apps from the windows phone store and did not even use the account for email's or Xbox stuff. So we tried to fill out the questionnaire, but no luck there also because it is asking you stuff like credit card details, last email addresses you sent emails to, last folders you created etc... But like I said my sister never used it so when we complete the questionnaire with that boxes left open they email us back saying "Unfortunately, our automated system has determined that the information you provided was not sufficient for us to validate your account ownership." 

So we tried everything but no one can help us! Nokia can't, her Carrier can't, there's know contact number for Microsoft or windows phone here in South Africa :(  So we don't know what to do anymore

Please Help.
The account we need to access is *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Thank You 

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