08. April 2016 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

I've begun to use WPG 2012 when I upgraded my Win7 to Win10.  We're working on a large project to scan old photos into the digital world while also sorting out our digital camera photos.  We've decided to eliminate a folder structure to sort media and instead use tags in the EXIF area of our JPEG files.  Therefore, we have a LOT of files in one folder, currently about 15,000.  When done with this project we'll have upwards of 30,000.

While WPG 2012 is a nice program I've been annoyed by one particular anomaly.  While browsing my media library with WPG, I sort by date taken and group by date taken.  I view thumbnails.  This provides an nice timeline journey through the library.  The annoyance is that thumbnails are often just grey rectangles, or lower than normal resolution thumbnails.  The offending files WILL present thumbnails correctly if I change to other sorts, views, or choose a different folder in my Pictures Library, therefore the thumbnail data IS somewhere on the PC, it just isn't being refreshed by WPG as I scroll through files.  The issue is NOT with any particular file.

Right clicking on the white area of the thumbnail window and choosing REFRESH does nothing to fix this problem.

Renaming to save, and then rebuilding the .PJ6 files does not fix this issue, and causes more issues.  Thank goodness I saved the old .PJ6 and restored it.  BTW, the issue with rebuilding was that WPG would not read the correct Date Taken in the EXIF for many of the correctly tagged files, and instead show a Date Taken of August 22, 2012.  I have no idea what's significant about that date.

So, I'm thinking the current 2012 iteration of WPG is buggy.  Perhaps beyond a certain number of files in a folder it chokes when one scrolls through thousands of files quickly.

Any insight to this issue would be appreciated.

If at least MS provided the ability to click on a group of grey rectangles and chose to "REFRESH THUMBNAIL", this would alleviate my concern.



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