07. April 2020 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized


I am trying to split a short video ( 1 minute 45 seconds) and delete a portion of the video so that I can add in another video segment in its place. I was able to successfully complete one "split" (after a lot of shutting down the program and opening it back up) but am unable to do a second split correctly. When I try to do a second split the portion that I want segmented off does isolate from the whole video but appears at the end of at the end of the video as a copy. 

For example: I am trying to isolate 45 seconds-55 seconds so that I can delete out that portion and put in a different 10 second segment. I was able to successfully split at 45 seconds but at 55 seconds it will not split. Instead that 10 second original video portion shows up at the end of the entire video as a separate segment. A split marker is still present at 45 seconds but not at 55 seconds. 

I have edited 2 other videos (longer) without any issue, on the same device, so I do not know why I am suddenly having issues. 

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