20. April 2016 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

I am currently using Windows 8.1, I am trying to download Windows Movie Maker but it doesn't appear anywhere on my computer. Instead of downloading Windows Movie Maker, it installs Windows Essentials which I do understand (I think) is necessary to get Movie Maker. So it opens up Windows Messenger and asks me to sign in so I do. Then it tells me there is a new version of skype available and to download it to proceed so I do. I already have the newest version of skype so it tells me the install failed and brings me back to the sign-in screen. I try again and the process repeats and am forever stuck signing in to Messenger with no way of accessing Movie Maker. Any fixes? Thanks for your help in advanced.

Edit: I am thinking of just uninstalling skype and re-installing it when I have movie maker.

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