02. April 2016 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

I am having non stop problems with Windows Movie Maker 2012. It used to work 3 weeks a go now it doesn't. Everytime I try to save to computer it crashes, and now it even crashes when I drag and drop an AVI file on there. I am using windows 7 ultimate.

I have tried the following but no luck....

- repairing windows essentials

- lowering the compatibility in properties of movie maker file

-using Microsoft fix it tool

-using correct file formats

-updated adapter driver and deleted possible drivers etc that may confict

-my system restore points only allow me to restore to earlier today, so cannot undo my system updates much now

I know there's a compatibility issue somewhere, or a windows update has caused a confliction because the software was working fine a few weeks ago.

Please help me fix this with correct solutions this time.

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