Just moved to a new email address and vendor.  Set up the Windows Live with the old account and the new account.  Was having problems sending and receiving on the new account.  Talked with the Tech Support for the new vendor of my new email account. They had me change the settings to turn off the send/receive on the old account because it is no longer serviced.  (Was keeping the old account for only contacts and old email review).

Was still receiving errors so the Tech Support had me exit Windows Live.  When we tried to go back in, it froze trying to send emails from the old account.  Even though we turned the option of send/receive on the old account, it must be frozen because there were some old ones that were probably still sitting in the Outbox.  The status is "Executing" but the progress line is not moving and it seems to be in a loop. 

Need to find out how to get back into Windows Live to delete the old emails from the Outbox of the old email account.  But, it won't let me in to change settings.  It freezes on the Send/receive dialog when I open Windows Live.  Anyone know what I can do to get past this? 

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