<Original title - Windows Live Mail problems >

Hope this is the right section...   Apologies if incorrect.


Windows Live Mail 2012 running under Windows 8.

Have set up three accounts, and all appear to work, after a fashion.  Except when receiving mail in  -  everything goes to just one inbox.

Wrote some rules, but encountered an immediate problem in that I couldn't direct incoming mail to the existing inboxes.  Why not??

Ended up creating a new boxes called INBOX-1, INBOX-2, etc., etc.  However, all my rules seem to be totally ignored, with all mail going into just one inbox.


I cannot find any in-depth guide to troubleshooting WLM e-mail rules.


Here are examples (not real!) of my accounts:-


*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***


In rules, I have ticked Where the From line contains people, and

Move it to the specified folder.

In respect of the first account, Apply rule after the message arrives, where the From line contains 'fred'.

Move it to the INBOX-1 folder.

Rule saved ok.

Other rules for Jim and John use appropriate INBOXES (-2 and -3).


So why does it not work, and why can't I use the default inboxes within each account?


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