11. April 2016 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

Hi there,

I like email clients instead of web interfaces, because they are generally faster and have a better user interface. I like WLM, because it is fast and and very configurable. There are some drawbacks though, and one important is the inability to move IMAP folders. Thunderbird can, so it is feasable.

As an example, you might have a lot of folders, each related to one client of yours, in the local mail storage area, and you want to move them to an IMAP account. Now you have to create the new folder structure by hand, move all mails and delete the old folder structure. Or set up Thunderbird and do it there.

I don't know, if WLM development is frozen because of other priorities (maybe someone from inside can comment on this), but if not, this would be my first thing to improve.


Dominik Lenné

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