19. February 2020 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

I hope this is not an academic exercise. For several weeks, I can only open my received or sent mail occasionally. So far today, I have note been able to send mail at all. I have dent your ne fewer than three notifications of this ongoing problem. Since it almost impossible to reach me by email. the only other alternative, if we are to have a discussion and you are going to help me, is by calling my phone: 682-465-6885. I would appreciate hearing from youi me even if it's only to tell me to go to hell. I consider that I have not heard from you to be both rude and unprofessional.

                                                                            Very Truly Yours,

                                                                            William H. Thorn, Jr.

                                                                            404 S. Donald St.

                                                                            Seymour, TX 76380


                                                                            *** Email address is removed for privacy ***


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