Hello, this morning the Windows Live Mail program was running perfectly and working as usual. Suddenly around 2-4 pm I could not send any emails to my other accounts or receive. Only my main account was the only one working. The rest were getting Error 10053  ( 0x800ccc0f )  If anyone is able to help us please do. I tried calling technical support and talked with them on the phone for over an hour with no luck of help. Thank you.

PST: We also tried the repair and that was unsuccessful. If anyone has any solution to this problem, I hope we do receive the help. Once again Thank You.

PS: The message below is the problem and it's information.

Unable to send or receive messages for the Laccboard (laccboard) account. Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity.

Server: 'pop.laccboard.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F
Protocol: POP3
Port: 110
Secure(SSL): No
Socket Error: 10053

Hi I have pretty creapy problem. I've set up email domain hosting for outlook.com on domains.live.com, but unfrotunately I forgot which account I used for the registration. So now I am not able to manage it. I've tried to contact MS technical support, had call with MS representative, but nobody can help me. The Catch22 situation, If I am not authorized with the account to which domain registration belongs, they can't help me.

Can anyone help me with this issue?

I have a msn e-mail address.  I just contacted MSN Technical Support but they said this is a Outlook.com "problem".  I have MSN software installed at home.  For security purposes, I am NOT allowed to install that software at work.  When I sign into Outlook.com via internet explorer, my MSN calendar is complete blank.  How can I get my calendar to display when I sign into outlook.com??? Help please.
Hi Anyone from Microsoft.

I've been on technical support with Blackberry and Sony for the past week and I am unable to sync or integrate my hotmail account on my blackberry Q10 or Sony Xperia Z Both have said that there is nothing wrong with the device and they believe it is a server issue.   Can you please help me?


Hi Anyone from Microsoft.

I've been on technical support with Blackberry and Sony for the past week and I am unable to sync or integrate my hotmail account on my blackberry Q10 or Sony Xperia Z Both have said that there is nothing wrong with the device and they believe it is a server issue.   Can you please help me?


MSN Support 1800-413-6359. MSN Technical Support, MSN Phone Number, MSN Support Phone Number, MSN Support Phone Number.
MSN Computer Support. MSN Technical Support Phone Number. Contact MSN, Call MSN, 
MSN Support 1800-413-6359. MSN Technical Support, MSN Phone Number, MSN Support Phone Number, MSN Support Phone Number.
MSN Computer Support. MSN Technical Support Phone Number. Contact MSN, Call MSN, 
Hi Michael_M from Microsoft.

I've been on technical support with Blackberry for the past 3 days and I am unable to sync or integrate my hotmail account on my blackberry Z10. Blackberry said there is nothing wrong with the device and they believe it is a server issue.

Can you please help me?

Corey Castellan