14. November 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,
Is there any flexibility with Skydrive shared folders setup on local machines to sync bi-directional BUT with permissions setup that restricts a local machine/user from syncing file/folder deletion request to the cloud?

I wrote a quick time management database (MS Access) for my wife who is a school teacher to help with student attendance but i need a way to backup local db tables in case one of their students decides to tamper with the hidden/pw protected files on the computer terminal.   Some of the other teachers aren't too bright either.  

Was just thinking i might use local folder sync to send a really small mdb (ie. 5mb normalized data) to Skydrive, but have a minor retention policy in place to prevent deleting from cloud storage.  Is that possible or asking too much?

It was only a favor for my wife's school and i dont have enough time to invest much more cycles on this.