This is a new problem Some e-mail messages that I send in Windows Live Mail are having the content of the message deleted when I hit "send". So the receiver gets a blank message. Any solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I routinely list all but one receiver of my e-mails in the bcc column.   It is of course then a permanent part of my sent mail.   How can I look up those I listed as bcc after the e-mail is sent, and often, after I have forgotten who I listed as bcc.  T H A N K      Y O U.


I am having problems with Windows Live Mail. When I use 'reply-button'', the written answer to a mail disappears, however it only happens now and again. In other words, I can never be certain whether or not the message is intact. The receiver to such a mail is able to read my reference and my name - but apart from this, the page is blank. Has anybody experienced this? And can it be repaired.
i have got a large amont of junk mail since bottom of may
b4 i ve never receieved any of them for many years
and i suspect all of them are from the same junk mail sender
but each of them has different mail address  
most of them can be filtered by junk box
but i may need to sometime pick put some private mail from those junk   which is painful
also it is suspicious as i cant find my email address from the details and message source as receiver
i wonder how those came into my junk box ...
and any possible way to get rid of it ?