14. November 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

Hello, is there a way that I can reset a password for someone using my custom domain, Verbowski.com, hosted at domains.live.com?  I only see the option to delete the account which is not going to work as we need the contents of the mailbox. Also, we have tried several times to submit a password reset request, however we keep getting emails back saying to resubmit.



14. November 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

Hello, is there a way that I can reset a password for someone using my custom domain, Verbowski.com, hosted at domains.live.com?  I only see the option to delete the account which is not going to work as we need the contents of the mailbox. Also, we have tried several times to submit a password reset request, however we keep getting emails back saying to resubmit.




Please enable the password reset option for both of my domains.

In the past two days, I've received two messages to my gmail account (which is backup to my hotmail), saying that a password reset request has been made for my hotmail/outlook account. Yesterday, the message said my account was verified and asked me to reset the password. (Yes, it was definitely from Microsoft; someone had tried to set up an account in my name.) I clicked on the link in the message to cancel the request. This morning, I received another message from Microsoft in my gmail account, asking if I'd requested a password reset. I again clicked on the link to cancel, and the page I got to said the link had expired. I'm concerned about possible access to my account, though I have 2-factor authentication set up on both gmail and hotmail. Is there anything additional I can/should do?