I recently experienced a virus or malware on my computer and settings were changed in some of my programs. My CPU seems to be free of any virus or malware at this time however, my Canoscan LIDE 210 wil not recognize Outlook 2010 to email anything. After scanning a document there is a "bonk" sound and a window opens from Canon MP Navigator Ex stating "Failed to send e-mail. Check e-mail settings and try again." My e-mail program works fine and I have spoken with representatives from Canon who suggested I speak with a representative from Microsoft. The scanner otherwise works fine. Could this have to do with MAPI and how do I find out if MAPI is turned on or off?

Thank you! Bob Kidwell (*** Email address is removed for privacy ***)




When I try to send an email with my Outlook.com email account via Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 the following error message appears:


"Task 'Outlook.com' reported error (0x80004005) : 'There is an error synchronizing your mail account. Please verify your account is configured correctly by first accessing your mail on the web.  Error: 4202. '"


From reading other threads I have discovered that this issue is caused by invalid addresses/domains in the Safe and Blocked Senders list on the Outlook.com web client. My Blocked Senders list was blank, but I had several hundred addresses/domains in the Safe Senders list. I tried deleting the whole list, and everything on the list deleted fine except for three invalid domains that contain non alpha-numeric characters or don't have an "@" symbol. Whenever I try to delete them, they are still there upon page refresh.


Could you please manually remove the invalid domains for me? If a Microsoft representative can PM me I can give my affected email address.