I have an AppleScript program which does many things. It needs to determine the "front" or active window. According to the Outlook dictionary, each window has the following property:
   index (integer) : The index of the window in the back-to-front window ordering.

I am experiencing at least three bugs with the index property:

1. I can access the index property, but it never changes as windows are brought to the front, pushed to the back, or selected from the Window menu.

2. The index for every Main window is a Real, not an Integer.

tell application "Microsoft Outlook"

   index of every window

end tell 

{2.147483647E+9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}

3. The indices for two Main Windows are indistinguishable. If there is a difference, it is way down in the small digits of the floating point: 

tell application "Microsoft Outlook"

   index of every main window

end tell

{2.147483647E+9, 2.147483647E+9}