I can't receive or send messages through windows live mail. I have Windows 7

Unable to send or receive messages for the Hotmail (wellstnj) account.

Subject 'test'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x80048849


On or about Mar 25/26 my Windows Live Mail stopped sending messages.

I have 2 Hotmail and 1 Gmail account.

The Gmail account worked fine, no problems.

I set it up -- by default (HTTP using default settings), and with 2 versions of the server (smtp Live.com & smtp outlook.com0.

I used 25, 465, and 587 ports.

Nothing worked.

After getting with AT&T support I was able to get one of the Hotmail accounts to send if I used their server. smtp.att.yahoo.com

I have been reading a lot of problems/solutions here, so I tried a lot of things.

I tried to 'restore' but the restore date was after the problem date (I may have cleared System Restore without realizing email wasn't working after an update)

I am not sure of the time of the update to WLM, if there was one.

I had just (2 months ago) installed (clean) Win 7 pro after using XP Pro for many years. (Sad to see it go)

Re-installing,re-booting, removing accounts, etc. Nothing fixed it.

I removed 2012 and put in 2011, no fix, after trying all the other fix methods, and port/server settings.

So, I removed 2011 and put in WE WLM 2010.

I like the interface and now I can send email.

But, now I cannot delete messages by clicking the delete button or delete key on keyboard.

I can drag them to the deleted folder.

And my Hotmail deleted folder(s) has messages in it from Mar 29.

If I click on the "X" on the Junk Mail or Deleted folder (left side) I get an error, then another that some items could not be removed, but they are gone from the Junk mail folder. Nothing happens in the Deleted folder.

After I try that, the "X" is no longer there when I "Mouse Over" the junk or deleted folder.


I have been a Hotmail user a very long time, before MS acquired it, could my permissions have changed?

I have read here that others have sent a PM with their email address(s) and the permissions were fixed.


On or about Mar 25/26 my Windows Live Mail stopped sending messages.

I have 2 Hotmail and 1 Gmail account.

The Gmail account worked fine, no problems.

I set it up -- by default (HTTP using default settings), and with 2 versions of the server (smtp Live.com & smtp outlook.com0.

I used 25, 465, and 587 ports.

Nothing worked.

After getting with AT&T support I was able to get one of the Hotmail accounts to send if I used their server. smtp.att.yahoo.com

I have been reading a lot of problems/solutions here, so I tried a lot of things.

I tried to 'restore' but the restore date was after the problem date (I may have cleared System Restore without realizing email wasn't working after an update)

I am not sure of the time of the update to WLM, if there was one.

I had just (2 months ago) installed (clean) Win 7 pro after using XP Pro for many years. (Sad to see it go)

Re-installing,re-booting, removing accounts, etc. Nothing fixed it.

I removed 2012 and put in 2011, no fix, after trying all the other fix methods, and port/server settings.

So, I removed 2011 and put in WE WLM 2010.

I like the interface and now I can send email.

But, now I cannot delete messages by clicking the delete button or delete key on keyboard.

I can drag them to the deleted folder.

And my Hotmail deleted folder(s) has messages in it from Mar 29.

If I click on the "X" on the Junk Mail or Deleted folder (left side) I get an error, then another that some items could not be removed, but they are gone from the Junk mail folder. Nothing happens in the Deleted folder.

After I try that, the "X" is no longer there when I "Mouse Over" the junk or deleted folder.


I have been a Hotmail user a very long time, before MS acquired it, could my permissions have changed?

I have read here that others have sent a PM with their email address(s) and the permissions were fixed.


Once again I am having password trouble!  When I open Windows Live Mail, It picks up emails from the accounts provided by my ISP, but it always demands a password before I can see my Hotmail emails.  It shows my Hotmail address correctly in the Logon window, and also my old password is already entered there.  I can replace it in the window with my up-to-date password, and everything then works; but however often I check the 'Remember password' box, the next time the window still shows the old password (distinuishable because it consists of more characters than the present one!), and I have to log on again.  In the end, this doesn't stop me doing what I want to do, but it is still annoying, and I should like to get rid of this glitch.  I am using Live Mail Version 2012 (Build 16.4.3522.0110), with Windows 7 Home Premium SP1.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

31. March 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: livemail · Tags:

Hotmail associated with  MS Livemail too risky to continue after about 15 years. .  I will find a different way and address henceforth.   Cheerio,

31. March 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: livemail · Tags:

Hotmail associated with  MS Livemail too risky to continue after about 15 years. .  I will find a different way and address henceforth.   Cheerio,

31. March 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

Unable to send or receive messages for the Hotmail (helmstl) account.

Server Error: 3204
Server: 'https://mail.services.live.com/DeltaSync_v2.0.0/Sync.aspx'

Unable to send or receive messages for the Hotmail (helmstl) account.

Server Error: 3204
Server: 'https://mail.services.live.com/DeltaSync_v2.0.0/Sync.aspx'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x8DE20003

So i have had to use this old account as i cannot get into my other hotmail account.

Made it years ago so have no idea what my secret answer is, have tried numerous times to provide additional support to recover my account but the information was never enough. Cannot recover via a code to phone either. This is absolutely ridiculous, i just want to get into my email account!!! Why did Microsoft have to remove the linked accounts feature, i could easily check all of my accounts by signing into one account. Hotmail is a joke