19. March 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

Long story short, my GFWL account was suspended in September 2011 after I disputed some fraudulent charges.  My account has been suspended and locked since that time, and I am unable to log in to GFWL when playing games that require it.  I get a message saying that my account has been suspended because of a payment issue.  I was able to change the payment method after logging in to commerce.microsoft.com.  

After spending several hours with the XBox Live chat people (which was where I was directed when I tried to un-suspend my account), I was informed that the GFWL support team no longer exists, and I eventually got a response from the Customer Advocacy Team telling me to do the following steps:

1.       Go to accounts.live.com.

2.       Click Can't access your account?

3.       Enter your Windows Live ID and enter the characters provided.

4.       Choose the bottom radio button; I can't use any of these options..

5.       Enter an alternate email address for Windows Live ID Support to contact and click, Continue.

6.       Fill in your information under the Account Information form.

7.       You will be contacted as soon as they complete their investigation.

I did all of those and received an email stating that my identity was confirmed.  I checked my account and it's still locked and suspended.  What do I have to do next to get this taken care of?  

Apologies if this is posted in the wrong area, the categories that I can choose from don't really apply to this, so I chose one that was close.