I have emptied the folder of deleted items in the folder Deleted Items > On My Computer
Can I get them back ?
Is that possible?  Or should I just try to rename it?  It's not any dedicated Outlook folder, just had newsletters from a group I no longer belong to.

In exporting Windows Live 2012 email messages > All Folders to an empty folder on my hard drive, the application keeps garbling the exports.

  • It uses faulty names for folders (for example "Family & Fr fd3" instead of "Family & Friends, "Professional" instead of the newer name "Librarianship").
  • It puts some folders inside of others.

I cannot tell whether it is, in fact, exporting all the messages, because they are so mixed up.


I'm running Windows 7.  I know Microsoft plans to or already has suspended support for Windows Live.


Are there fixes, or is there another email client I could use instead?  I tried switching to Mozilla Thunderbird, but that requires me first to export...which is, of course, my basic problem.


Thanks for your suggestions,


Hello all :)
I was switching from Gmail to Outlook with all the emails on my old mailbox but I had to do that again because of some errors in the transfer.

Now I have a trash folder with around 50k+ that I cannot empty. Everytime I try to use the "Empty folder" an error of communication with the server appears (using outlook.com on Chrome or IE9).

Anything I can do to get rid of those emails?



5 hours ago, I selected my spam folder like I do every day and clicked on "empty folder". Instezad of deleting my spam, it deleted my Inbox with over 15yrs worth of mails...! Is there a way I can get a backup or restore anything? This is really bad for me!

I'd appreciate any and all help.


Is there a way to disable the confirmation/warning when empyting the Junk E-Mail folder?

Just moved to a new iMac, could've sworn I disabled it on my previous Mac, but can't find a setting/feature.

Would like the same on Deleted Items too if possible.

 i mistakenly right click my inbox "empty folder" my hotmail.. how can i recover all my emails... please help !

Exported email messages from a 32 bit Windows 7 Prof onto a USB stick, empty folder. When Importing onto a 64 bit Windows 7 Prof, newly installed, following normal procedure it appears to import email messages but there is no messages in the Storage Folder, they have disappeared.

Can you Help?

and these folders were very important to me because of family contacts, how do I get the folder and the sub  folders back?? i am so upset!