There is a particular email that was put in my junk mail instead of my inbox and therefore, I didn't get a notification on the email app on my phone stating that I had a new mail. And, today, when I was browsing through my phone, I saw that notification and it states that I had a mail 40days ago, and when I click on the mail, it still shows up! and I can still read that mail! but when I exit the app and re-enter the app, the email is gone! That's because junk mail will get cleared out within 10days and I received that email 40days ago!



and now the problem is, I didn't really have a good look at the content of the email, so I would really need your help to help me retrieve that email that got deleted AUTOMATICALLY!=(

Please help! I saw some other people having the same problem and was ask to press the recover delete messages button....but there is no such button!!!! 

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