I am using Office for Mac 2013

I have multiple appointments (sometimes 15) for the SAME appointment under "no category". I believe it is from when Entourage was imported, which I imported multiple times because I couldn't figure out what I was doing…I KNOW human/me error. I did remove the "entourage" category…but they all now go under the "no category".

I have tried to go into each and every appointment, cancelled the series or recurrences; which in turn sent dozens of cancellations to the person that was invited!!! But the appointments do NOT go away the following month or year! For example, my husband had sent a DAILY reminder to call for something.  He didn't put an end date as we wanted it to continue until we actually called and then he would cancel it.  Well, I have dozens upon dozens from past years and they are all multiplied. Yes, I have changed the recurrence/series and deleted…THEY ARE STILL THERE!!!!

The ONLY way I can figure out how get rid of them is to hide them by unchecking the "no category" on the calendar.  Which then when he sends me an appointment invite and I accept, it doesn't show up because he isn't in a category. Is there a way to have his appointment invites go directly to a specified category in my calendar???


IF anyone has a solution to either of these problems….PLEASE…I would GREATLY appreciate it!!!

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