23. June 2016 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

Have used the "snipping tool" in Windows 7 for years.  Worked perfectly.  Built a new computer and loaded an OEM Windows 10.  Had a few issues but most have been resolved.  One issue remaining is using the "snipping tool" in Windows 10.  After creating a "snip" you go to "File" up on top left of screen and select "Send To".  Then select "Email Recipient (as attachment)".  My Windows Live Mail comes up and I select addressees.  One to my home email address (this computer) and one to my email address on my Ipad.  The message goes through and comes in on incoming mail on both machines.  The emails will open, however the "snip is not presented as an attachment that can be clicked on to open or save but is shown as part of the email message.  The "snip" is an image about 2 inches square  (the original snip was much larger)  It looks as follows:

The View Album is the small image of the "snip".   

Enter album name here
This album has 1 photo and will be available on OneDrive until 9/19/2016.
As you see the snip is not an attachment to the email.  When the image is clicked on, a window opens on screen and it says:

You'll need a new app to open mid

Look for app in store

Always use this app.........then a grayed OK   

Anyone have this problem and know of a solution?

Elk Grove Bill 

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