21. April 2016 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

I know there has been an ongoing issue with Microsoft as it pertains to using Windows Live Mail 2012 in conjunction with Windows 10 and the newer/upgraded @outlook.com email accounts.

I want to make sure I have this correct.

As of this day 4-21-2016 is there still no way to sync a newer @outlook account (without using the IMAP work around) to Windows Live Mail v. 2012? Has WinLiveMail had the update which allows this synchronization yet or not? (exchange active sync, or is it Exchange?)

Is the only methods that work now to sync without the use of workarounds,  the @outlook.com website, the new Mail/People/Calendar Apps, and the Outlook 2016 office client?

I would love to be able to tell folks to just use the new Mail App in Windows 10 but a LARGE # of my customers NEED to be able to send to Groups of Contacts, something we still cannot do with the new Mail App. 

Is this issue still unresolved? I am very sad if this is the case, thanks, I'm just checking in on this issue.


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