Please Help Me. My exboyfriend hack and took over my eamil account that I have had for years. I have alot of other account information in that acount for myself and my daughter. He has changed the passcode and sercurity question so I can not access it.
I have tried "proving" it is my account by i dont have the correct information. I cant seem to find someone to email or talk to about the issue. I have tried the legal route but until he does something from the account they can't help me and it could be awhile
before i could find out if he did. I am fustrated about the other accounts he could be getting into, the information he could be stealing or deleting that isinmportant. If anyone knows what i could do or a contact that could help please let me know. I have
held that account for over 6 years and have so much information about work and college in the files and passcodes to other accounts for myself & my child it is very important i recover the the account. Thank you, Angela
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