29. August 2015 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

I have a desktop and it is not even a year old.  I wanted to use Movie Maker for the first time - but just get a quick flash of the screen and the following error message "Sorry Movie Maker had to shut down expectantly Please restart it and try again  Error 0x8000405"

I have made sure all updates are done, cannot find the one a few threads are talking about but they are dated before I purchased this computer. 

I am really frutstrated as I have tried to uninstall it but cannot even find it on the list of installed programs, yet when I try to install it from Microsoft I am told it is installed? 

Not sure what is going on but need this for work.... can anyone suggest a fix or another program which is just as good (or better) that I can use and is free.

I do not want to reset my entire computer as I will be putting too much information at risk....

Help Please

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