Recently I sent out an email from my email account but the email address had a typo in it and I got a return message stating the email address wasn't valid.  I then tried to send an email to the correct address but I got a message saying that my account was blocked due to suspicious activity.  I called Microsoft support and they sent in a form to Microsoft with my personal information to verify the account was mine.  The next day I got an email saying the confirmation request was received.  18 Minutes later I got another email stating that they had confirmed the account was mine.  I also got a link in that email to reset the password, which I did.  However, after that was all done I still couldn't access my account.   Further online Microsoft help took me to a page that would send me a code to my old mobile phone, which I no longer have.  The other option is receiving the link is through my secondary email address.  That link took me to the same page to reset my password as I did before and I got the same lousy result of stating that my account was still blocked.

A short while later I got an email to do a feedback survey.  I filled out that survey on 5 successive days and I explained on 5 different times that I DID NOT HAVE a mobile phone and delete the number from my personal profile and to send me a code to my alternate email address and please send me a PERSONAL email reply stating that something was being done about my problem.  After 5 requests I still have not got a reply.  This morning I could still not access my email at the site but I could access it with Mozilla Thunderbird.  I thought Aha!, finally everything is fixed until I tried to email out an email and found the email was blocked saying that my account was blocked.  It has been 8 days and NOT ONE person has taken the time to send me a code to my personal email or at least send a personal reply of acknowledgement that someone is actually trying to help me with my problem.

To the moderators of this forum the email account is: *** Email address is removed for privacy *** which is for a business

This is the first time I have ever had an account blocked.

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